How to Complain

We are your first port of call for any queries or concerns, including complaints. We will handle these complaints in line with our complaints process. Please speak with your Oku Markets relationship manager or email [email protected].

If you need to raise a complaint to us, please contact [email protected] with the following information:

  • The date of the complaint
  • The nature of your complaint
  • The impact on your business
  • Your contact details
  • Any additional information

A member of staff will confirm receipt of your complaint via email within 48 hours of receiving it, and will aim to resolve the complaint within three business days. In certain instances, a complaint may need to be escalated and we therefore may extend the timeline to resolve the complaint by the end of 15 business days following receipt of the complaint.In exceptional circumstances, where we're unable to provide a resolution within the 15-business-day period, we have up to 35 business days from the date of receipt to provide a final response. If you complaint falls under exceptional circumstances or needs to be escalated, a member of our team will notify you. If you're unhappy with the resolution provided, you contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

We work with e-money and payments institution partners in providing you with our service, namely Currency Cloud, Ebury Partners, and Alt 21. These partners have certain obligations as regulated financial services providers.

Currency Cloud

The Currency Cloud Limited is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 and the Payment Services Regulations for the issuing of electronic money and the provision of payment services with FCA registration number 900199. In the US Currency Cloud operates in partnership with CFSB. CFSB fully owns the bank program and services are provided by The Currency Cloud Inc. Currencycloud B.V. is authorized by De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) for the issuing of electronic money and the provision of payment services with Relation number DNB: R142701. Currencycloud Pty Ltd is licensed in Australia, however does not yet provide services to clients via this licensed entity. ©2023 Currencycloud Limited. The Currency Cloud name and logos are trade marks. All rights reserved. institutions, including around complaints.

We keep them informed of the complaints we receive from you regarding the regulated payments and e-money services they ultimately provide to you. They oversee how we handle complaints to ensure we do this to the standard required under the regulations. However, if for any reason your complaint regarding your payments and e-money services has not been acknowledged or dealt with by us, or if you have concerns about the way it has been handled, Currency Cloud’s complaints information can be found here:

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Oku Markets is a leading provider of currency risk management services and payment solutions